Crafting digital experiences to help ambitious

Les Concierges

Concierge Mobile App for Anything, Anytime, Anywhere

Les Concierges is a members-only service that provides employees and customers of our client company with a personal assistant to help them with tasks and errands. Our concierge team is here to save you time and make your life easier. Using the Concierge Mobile App  service is easy – simply contact us with your request and we’ll take care of it for you.

Design, Interaction and Development
IOS, Android, Web and API
UI, UX, Strategy, Concept and Development
PHP CI, MongoDB, iOS Native, Android Native




It could be paying your bills, booking tickets for a vacation, picking up relatives from the airport, or making that long phone to call to get a dinner table reserved on a weekend.


Companies are working hard on boosting employee morale. They realize that only when employee morale is boosted that they can put in their 100 percent at work as well. It is this very thought that fueled the idea of Les concierges in our client’s mind.

Core Features

Chat with assistants
You are just a chat window away from realizing your chore. Using our expertise in mobile development and linking our strategy partner’s core team to the end users, we create a seamless communication channel. Employees will need to type in their requirements as the assistant at the other end get the work done.


Keep a track of open items
You can have multiple open items at the same time. Your assistants will keep you updated on their progress so that you are always on top of the matters.


History panel
This window shows you all the services you had requested earlier and helps you keep a tab on the things done.


Get things done
Let us bring search results to you. We bring in details of things you might be looking for and help you complete transactions on a single window instead of manoeuvring multiple windows. Find, choose, buy.


The Roars product development team put together a neat UX/UI which can be easily used by employees across demographics. Through our client’s brilliant idea and our unique innovation strategy we created a digital assistant that is at your back and call.


A unique B2B and further B2C solution, this concierge mobile app works with some of major multinationals across the country. Once a company is registered with Les concierges, their employees can reach out to the Les concierges desk themselves or through the app to put in their service requests.


Les Concierges

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