Say Hello to Chatbots

Have you said hello to chatbots, yet? They are the new age bots powered by machine learning and AI. Designed to mimic actual human conversations with customers, these bots have become a success when it comes to consumer engagement. With more options in both products and services industry, businesses are finding it difficult to capture […]

Why Typography Matters In UX?

Typography might not be the first thing that comes to your mind when designing your web and mobile interface. The content you present to your audience forms the crux, indeed. Users should be able to follow the flow of text and layout and take specific actions. However, first impression matters a lot. And this is […]

Is your UI Color Theme Resonating With Your Client?

The topic of choosing the right color for your app’s UI is not a black & white one. We could only wish that there was chart for color conduct to ensure maximum interaction and conversion. Alas! That’s not the case. So how to find out if your UI color theme is resonating with your client. […]

Data Analytics – Precursor to Delightful CX

Data analytics is not limited to big corporations and data warehousing, anymore. Business success factors such as customer experience and customer retention, drove corporations and SMEs alike, to use data analytics as a precursor to providing apt and delightful customer experience. Earlier, customer experience was limited to the customer’s interaction with the vendor/consultant.  This was […]

What is the Difference between User Experience and Customer Experience?

User experience and customer experience, often these two terms are used interchangeably. However, there is a big difference between the two. It can also be said that user experience is actually a subset of customer experience. Let’s take a look at each one, separately: User experience User experience, a common term when it comes to […]

What Exactly is an Experience Map?

If you want a successful business, customer satisfaction to the extent of delight is a must. So, when you are building a product experience for your customer you need to be as customer focused as possible. An experience map lets you do just that. It helps you pin-point minute areas which must be taken care […]

The Role Personas Play in Creating Great UX/UI

As an entrepreneur, you might have a design idea for your product which according to you is the best. But, we often forget that the product we have created is aimed at catering to our customers, or personas. Hence, we must design the product tailored to their likes and dislikes. You would want to design […]

How UX ensures customer loyalty?

UX Although, customer loyalty and satisfaction seem like jargons for the marketing department, it is more closely connected to the technical aspect of your product. If your customers are not being able to understand your product well, or are unable to make the best use of it, then it will be rendered useless in the […]