3 Design Mistakes UX Designers Should Always Avoid (Our Team’s Take on the Matter)

Designing requires a great deal of attention and focus. To design a masterpiece, it is a must to have an eye of a hawk.But there are mistakes that happen. It could be a mistake at the designing level, at the execution level, or even at the thinking level. Errors increase cost of product. The lesser […]
If You Are a Startup Looking for Funding, You Need to Know This

Startup founders generally start their venture thinking of a way in which they can make a difference in the world. Something that will add value to the existing conditions or improve them. It could be a product or a service, but it is definitely something which is very close to the founder’s heart. So, when […]
Product Launch Mistakes Startup Pros Avoid

After the launch phase, your product is old news. Take advantage of the opportunity to generate interest when your product is new. The marketing launch strategy of any startup needs to resemble a reverse funnel. When the tech product launch continues, the amount of influence about the parties visible to your solutions needs to commensurately […]