If You Are a Startup Looking for Funding, You Need to Know This

Startup founders generally start their venture thinking of a way in which they can make a difference in the world. Something that will add value to the existing conditions or improve them. It could be a product or a service, but it is definitely something which is very close to the founder’s heart. So, when […]

What Exactly is an Experience Map?

If you want a successful business, customer satisfaction to the extent of delight is a must. So, when you are building a product experience for your customer you need to be as customer focused as possible. An experience map lets you do just that. It helps you pin-point minute areas which must be taken care […]

The Role Personas Play in Creating Great UX/UI

As an entrepreneur, you might have a design idea for your product which according to you is the best. But, we often forget that the product we have created is aimed at catering to our customers, or personas. Hence, we must design the product tailored to their likes and dislikes. You would want to design […]

How UX ensures customer loyalty?

UX Although, customer loyalty and satisfaction seem like jargons for the marketing department, it is more closely connected to the technical aspect of your product. If your customers are not being able to understand your product well, or are unable to make the best use of it, then it will be rendered useless in the […]

How to Make your MVP Foolproof?

Are you a startup? Do you have an MVP, yet? Is it MVP foolproof? Most startups are born out of a need to solve a problem/issue. It could be anything. It could be a product that makes our daily lifestyle easier, or it could be a service that takes off some of the rigorous tasks […]

Why Wireframes are Important in Product Development?

Wireframe – Your product idea is something that you have invented and envisioned up to the most minute details. You feel it is full proof and is ready to be launched in the market. However, when you try to explain your product idea to other stakeholders, investors, or target audience, it somehow does not seem […]

How an MVP Can Get Your Startup Funded

Millions of startups are formed each year, worldwide. For every one investment made, venture capitalists go through at least 400 product portfolios.  When it comes to angel investors, this number comes down to 40. So be it, 400 or 40, the competition to get angel funding or venture capital infused into your startup is quite […]

What is an MVP?

MVP or Minimum viable product as a concept was introduced in the year 2001 by Frank Robinson. Although, functionality rich and impactful in nature, MVP as a term and concept has still got a long way to go. However, since you searched for what an mvp is, it shows you have much to gain from […]

Product Launch Mistakes Startup Pros Avoid

After the launch phase, your product is old news. Take advantage of the opportunity to generate interest when your product is new. The marketing launch strategy of any startup needs to resemble a reverse funnel. When the tech product launch continues, the amount of influence about the parties visible to your solutions needs to commensurately […]