Why Investing In An AI-Powered Platform Might Be A Good Idea?

AI has already made inroads to some of the biggest industries in the current day. Banks, healthcare, retail are some of the pioneers who are trying to make the most of this technology. Businesses are in some way embracing the idea of an AI-powered platform. Chatbots and analytics-driven recommendations are two such examples. So when […]

Should You Be Betting Your Money On Bitcoin?

So, which one should you be betting your money on: bitcoin or blockchain? These disruptive ideas are creating some real storm in the tech world. With bitcoin recently being an upsurge of over $17,000, it is pretty clear that it has caught more eyeballs and people in the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) phase want […]

Staying Ahead of the Pack with Automation

With machine-learning and AI ruling the digital scenario these days, it makes sense to include them in the way we do business. Nobody likes the idea of slipping into extinction. But what we do like, is to stay ahead of the pack, which is now possible with automation, AI, predictive analytics, and more. Traditional businesses […]

How Blockchain Will Revolutionise The Digital World

There was the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century and then there was the Digital Revolution in the 20th century. What we stand to witness now in this 21st century is the Blockchain Revolution. Why a revolution? Isn’t it just another disruptive technology? You could call it another disruptive technology, but what blockchain stands to […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Power “App” Your Business

More than 36 percent of world’s population will be using smartphones by 2018. This statement itself gives you a reason as to why you should give your business the App Power. You have a stellar product or a service, you need to ensure your customer gets hooked to it. You manage to get a potential […]